The Carbon Fibre 917K
A legend reborn

The 917K
The Car That Broke Le Mans
The 917K is the car that gave Porsche® their very first overall win at Le Mans, setting them up on their journey to becoming the most successful team ever at the iconic French circuit. If you are already on this site, you probably know most of the history behind the 917. What I hope I can bring to you is the small details that you did not know. After 7 years working on this tribute, I still discover small variations that most enthusiasts will never know.

The 917CFK is a privately built car made in tribute to racing cars back in the 1970´s. Even if the 917CFK has a Porsche® engine and lot of original Porsche® parts from the period, it is not sponsored, associated, approved, endorsed, nor in any way affiliated with Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche, AG (www.porsche.com). The Porsche® name and crest are trademarks of Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche AG, and any other products mentioned are the trademarks of their respective holders. Any mention of trademarked names or other marks is for purpose of reference only. Out of respect for Porsche, and to respect Porsche’s trademark rights, the 917CFK should never under any circumstances be referred to or described as a «Porsche 917K» or in any other manner that suggests that it is anything but a recreation based on parts from multiple sources.
The 917cfk
Is has taken 7 years to build this tribute to the legend. Based on original body moulds from 3 different original cars.
A frame made from the original blueprints, and tons of original Porsche® and custom replicated parts, it is now so close to the original that it can fool most Porsche fanatics, except that the body panels now are made in carbon fibre!!

How it all started
It all started back in September 2013. After years of hard work and lobbying from car and bike clubs and organisations, we finally got a new legislation in Norway that would be valid from 1/1-2014, allowing private individuals to build their own road legal car, either from scratch or based on kit cars. Is was the start of a long journey.
Attention to details
Anyone that has tried to replicate something that is made in just a few copies, to the details of someone with a "little OCD" would appreciate, would be able to tell you to stay away from a project like this.. When we tell you that nearly none of original 917 is alike, it adds to the complexity.